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PHRF Certification – what is it and why do you want this? Zoom Presentation 4/8/2025
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About this event
Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (PHRF) is a rating system based on the speed potential of the boat, determined as far as possible on observations of previous racing experiences. It is the intent of PHRF handicapping that any well-equipped, well-maintained, and well-sailed boat has a good chance of winning.
The BWSC is a fleet member of the New England Chapter of PHRF and members who race will want to keep their certificates current. This year’s Marion Bermuda race also features a PHRF class.
What is PHRF?
· How much does it cost?
· What is the relationship between BWSC and PHRFNE?
· Why do I want certification?
· How is PHRF different than other sailboat rating systems, e.g. ORR?
· How do I get one for my boat?
· How do we organize a pursuit race using PHRF?
Bump Wilcox
Bump is a founder and past Commodore of PHRF New England (PHRFNE). With approximately 1000 certified boats, PHRFNE is one of the largest fleets in the country.
Blue Water Sailing Club is one of the member fleets of PHRFNE.
Bump has won 8 PHRFNE championships on 7 different boats and in 20023 and 2024 won the Massachusetts Bay Championships. He grew up sailing on Narragansett Bay and has sailed out of Marblehead, Massachusetts since 1976.
According to Bump, the winning formula for PHRF is that it is simple and inexpensive which accounts for its wide adoption and outliving competing measurement rules.
Tom Greaves
Tom is the current race director of BWSC and has been cruising the Maine coast with his family for the past 25 years.
He executed a refit of his wife Denise’s 1984 Bristol 35.5C, Wind Chime, to prepare for the Marion Bermuda 2023 which he completed with fellow BWSC members Jack Savage and Chris Callahan, and one other crew member, John Dillon.
Wind Chime placed second in the Founders C class of the Marion-Bermuda 2023.
Tom also competes in the Shellback National Championships in his homebuilt, Joel White-designed Shellback dinghy.
Event Contact(s)
Tom J Greaves
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