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BWSC 65 year anniversary 
HomeFrequently Asked Questions About Blue Water Sailing Club

General Questions

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What is BWSC?
What is BWSC?

Founded in 1959 by a group of enthusiastic sailors, BWSC is dedicated to safe boating, cruising, racing and good fellowship. BWSC offers a wealth of year-round educational and social opportunities both on the water and off.  The club is run entirely by our members and volunteerism is the lifeblood of our activities, our programs and our camaraderie!

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Where is BWSC located?
Where is BWSC located?

BWSC was founded as a “virtual” organization.  There is no permanent clubhouse or dockHome port for most BWSC members is New England.  Its over 300 members, however, sail the waters from Maine to Florida.  Most of the Club’s cruises, educational seminars and other events occur in New England.

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How can I learn more about BWSC?
How can I learn more about BWSC?

The best way to learn about BWSC is to talk to one of our members.  If you don’t know a member, E-mail us at and someone will contact you to describe all that BWSC has to offer.

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What activities does the club sponsor?
What activities does the club sponsor?

Club activities generally fit into four categories: Cruising, Racing, Education, and Social. Of course, many events incorporate more than one of these types of activities.


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What kind of cruising opportunities does BWSC offer?
What kind of cruising opportunities does BWSC offer?

Members of Blue Water Sailing Club enjoy the advantages of an extended network of friendly sailors on the East Coast. Organized activities include one or two week cruises, shorter regional gatherings, and informal rendezvous opportunities. 

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How are the longer cruises organized?
How are the longer cruises organized?

Like all BWSC events, longer cruises are organized by volunteer members. They offer detailed itineraries with the chance to join for a few days, the whole cruise, or to come and go to facilitate personal side trips. All participants typically pitch in to ensure the cruise runs smoothly.

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How many cruises are there each year?
How many cruises are there each year?

The Club usually tries to organize two cruises open to all members each year, one north of the Cape Cod Canal and one to the south.  In addition, there is also an annual Women’s Cruise.

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What kinds of activities are there during a BWSC cruise?
What kinds of activities are there during a BWSC cruise?

Happy hours, dockside dinners, and other group activities such as pursuit races, museum visits or hikes are incorporated along the way.  Most activities are informal, and many are spontaneous.

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Where do the cruises usually go?
Where do the cruises usually go?

Past destinations have included the Maine coast, the Canadian Maritimes, Long Island Sound, New York City, Narragansett Bay, Buzzards Bay, Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket.

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What if there is bad weather?
What if there is bad weather?

Unlike other cruises that are constrained by large group dock, mooring, or dinner reservations, the more casual nature of BWSC sailing allows flexibility to adjust plans for weather, thereby trading that bouncy, sleepless, night for a restful evening in a well protected harbor.

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How long are the regional gatherings?
How long are the regional gatherings?

Regional gatherings are typically long weekend events over the Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day holidays.

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Where are these gatherings usually held?
Where are these gatherings usually held?

Given the shorter duration, multiple events are usually organized in more than one location.  Areas where gatherings often occur, include Buzzards Bay, the Cape and Islands, Massachusetts Bay and Maine.

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How are informal rendezvous announced and promoted?
How are informal rendezvous announced and promoted?

There is a members’ only section of the BWSC website where individuals can share their float plans and invite others to join them. Additionally, members usually display the club burgee while sailing so it is easy to identify fellow sailors in most harbors.

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Are there any other cruising opportunities?
Are there any other cruising opportunities?

In some years the Club has organized bareboat charter cruises in places like the Caribbean and Mediterranean.


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What racing does the club sponsor?
What racing does the club sponsor?

Along with the Beverly Yacht Club and the Royal Hamilton Amateur Dinghy Club, BWSC is a sponsor of the biennial Marion Bermuda Race. There is always good membership participation in the race. In 2019 there were 9 BWSC entries and multiple BWSC captains and crew on the awards podium.

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I don’t have any offshore experience. How can I participate in the Marion to Bermuda Race?
I don’t have any offshore experience. How can I participate in the Marion to Bermuda Race?

BWSC skippers are often willing to take on less experienced members as crew either on the race or for the return trip. 

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I’m an experienced coastal sailor but have little or no offshore experience. Can I enter my own boat in the Marion to Bermuda Race?
I’m an experienced coastal sailor but have little or no offshore experience. Can I enter my own boat in the Marion to Bermuda Race?

Club members routinely serve as mentors (known as co-pilots) for first time race participants.

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What other race related activities does the club support?
What other race related activities does the club support?

Club members serve in a wide variety of positions during the Marion to Bermuda Race, including race safety inspectors, start and finish line support, and shore-based logistics support.

In addition, Blue Water Sailing Club organizes the biennial Safety at Sea Symposium held prior to each Marion Bermuda Race. This two-day program leads to a US Sailing certification and is open to anyone who wants to improve or refresh their offshore sailing skills.


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What other kinds of educational programs does the club offer?
What other kinds of educational programs does the club offer?

During the winter, we organize and sponsor a Seminar Series covering a wide variety of sailing topics. Some seminars are led by our members and others feature experts in their field.  Recent speakers have included Nigel Calder and John Kretchmer. These seminars are usually held on a weekend morning. Upcoming Events

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What kinds of topics are covered in the Seminar Series?
What kinds of topics are covered in the Seminar Series?

Examples of past seminars include: Anchoring, Art & Science of Sailing, Celestial Navigation, Cruising & Voyaging, Cruising Newfoundland & Maritimes, Diesel Care, Galley Tips, Maritime History, Medical Emergencies at Sea, On-Board Electronics, Preparing for Offshore Racing, Racing Trim & Tactics, First Aid/CPR & AED Training, Splicing, Weather, and What’s New in Rigging.  

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Why are the programs held over the winter?
Why are the programs held over the winter?

These programs not only offer relevant content but also are a great way to stay connected to sailing and each other during those long winter months.

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Do I have to be a member to attend the seminars?
Do I have to be a member to attend the seminars?

Guests are welcome to our seminars, which offer an opportunity to meet members of the Blue Water Sailing Club community.  Check our web site to learn what seminars are being offered.  Contact a member or E-mail us at if you are interested in attending a seminar.


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What kinds of social activities are there on the cruises?
What kinds of social activities are there on the cruises?

Happy hours, dockside dinners, and other group activities such as pursuit races, museum visits or hikes are incorporated along the way.  Most activities are informal, and many are spontaneous.

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What other types of social gatherings are part of the club’s activities?
What other types of social gatherings are part of the club’s activities?

We also offer social events on land which include a Ski Weekend, organized "Pub Nights" in a variety of locations, and a Spring Dinner. There is also an Annual Meeting and Luncheon in early November, which is always very well attended. 


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What are the benefits of membership and how do I join?
What are the benefits of membership and how do I join?

If you enjoy sailing, want to learn more, desire to expand your cruising and/or offshore racing horizons, would gain confidence by sailing in the company of others, and would like to meet friendly people who share your interest in sailing, you should consider the Blue Water Sailing Club. For more information on becoming a member, read through the questions below or click here.

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Who are the current members?
Who are the current members?

BWSC members are sailors (or former sailors) with a wide range of experience. No matter what your sailing proficiency, BWSC offers the ability to build on your skills while enjoying the camaraderie of other sailors.

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What kinds of boats do most members own?
What kinds of boats do most members own?

Two thirds of members' boats are vessels in the 31’ to 45’ range but both smaller and larger sailboats round out the fleet. There are also some members who have moved on from wind powered to motor vessels. 

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What makes BWSC different from my Yacht Club and should I belong to both?
What makes BWSC different from my Yacht Club and should I belong to both?

Many BWSC members are also members of other Yacht Clubs with physical facilities.  Others have found that BWSC alone meets their needs and offers more value for the commitment.  BWSC is friendly, informal and very affordable.

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What are the requirements to join?
What are the requirements to join?

The core requirement for regular membership is that you own a sailing vessel with a minimum LWL of 20 ft. Potential members must also complete an application, be sponsored by three current members, and approved by the Board of Directors.

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How do I become a member if I do not know 3 sponsors?
How do I become a member if I do not know 3 sponsors?

Transitional Membership is available to otherwise qualified applicants who do not yet have the three required sponsors. To become a Transitional Member, you must submit an application for approval by the Board of Directors.

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What does Transitional Membership include?
What does Transitional Membership include?

Transitional Members enjoy full access to all club activities, including winter seminars, summer cruises, pub nights, and the annual meeting.  You will also have full access to the web site. Participation in club activities routinely and easily enables transitional members to identify the sponsors needed to become full members with all rights and privileges.

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How long can I be a Transitional Member?
How long can I be a Transitional Member?

Transitional Membership should last no longer than one year.

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What does it cost?
What does it cost?

Membership dues are $150/year, with a $200 initiation fee, although Transitional Members do not have to pay the initiation fee until they become full members.  Your membership includes your spouse or partner residing at the same address.