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HomeEventsCape & Islands Cruise 2025

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Cape & Islands Cruise 2025

About this event

Beat the Summer Crowds and sail with us to the Vineyard, Cuttyhunk, Nantucket & Block Island

Sunday June 15th to Saturday June 21st, 2025


Enjoy a cruise through Vineyard and Nantucket Sounds before the summer crowds arrive. The consistent June prevailing winds will fill your sails to each port. Each sail is timed to take advantage of the currents in the sounds. If a weather day forces us to stay in port the currents remain reasonably favorable the next day.

Sunday - June 15th - Edgartown

Meet in Edgartown Harbor on the 15th (or show up a day or two early to enjoy the Vineyard!) 

The morning current is favorable from west to east pushing you towards Edgartown from Buzzards Bay

Use Dockwa to reserve a town mooring.

  *sun downers at 5, boat/dock to be announced. Dinner on your own

Monday, June 16th - Nantucket

Set sail at 8:30AM for Nantucket, 25nm, ~5 hours. Current is favorable all the way.

Use Dockwa to reserve your slip at the Nantucket Basin and take advantage of favorable early season rates.

      Monday the 16th: sun downers at 5, on the dock at sv Christina. Dinner on your own.

      Tuesday the 17th: rent a bike and meet for lunch at Millie's Restaurant next to Madaket Beach.

       Sun downers at 5, boat/dock to be announced. Dinner on your own.

      Wednesday the 18th: Free day to explore on your own

       Pot luck dinner at 5, boat/dock to be announced.

Thursday, June 19th - Vineyard Haven

10AM departure heading back to Edgartown, or to Vineyard Haven if it looks like a calm evening.
Captains choice!

Friday, June 20th - Cuttyhunk

Set sail at 10:30am for Cuttyhunk.

Would Martha and Winn host us for BBQ?

We’ll provide chicken, steaks, swordfish for grilling. You bring an appetizer, side, or dessert.

Saturday, June 21st - Block Island

Set sail for Block Island. It’s a longer day at ~35 miles.

The currents are generally favorable for a 9am departure.

Stay as many nights as you like, as this is the final destination for the cruise.

Participants responsibilities:

    ●      You’re responsible for your respective dinner checks and mooring/dockage fees.

    ●      You’re requested to help with running a morning roll call, or hosting sundowners at 5pm.

    ●      Please bring something to share to the pot-luck,  and of course BYOB.



    ●      Registered Captains cell phone will be added to a WHAT’S APP messaging Group to receive updates                       

           during the cruise.
           What’s App is in addition to VHF so you don’t miss out on updates.
           What's App can accommodate iPhones, Android, and adding/removing members to the group messaging.

    ●      Morning roll-call will be at 8AM, VHF CH 72

       ○      Destination fun fact

       ○      Evening plans

       ○      Weather

       ○      Roll call each boat - Announce your next destination

       ○      Ask questions or anything you need help with, etc.


Sunday, June 15, 2025, to Saturday, June 21, 2025

Event Contact(s)

John Garner



Registration Info

Registration is required