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Let's Have a Pub Night!

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Let's Host a Pub Night this Winter!
By Suzanne Struss
Posted: 2023-01-24T13:00:00Z

Hosting a pub night sounds like a lot of work. But it’s not and it is fun with support from your Blue Water Sailing friends! Contact your local pub or yacht club and try to arrange for a cozy space for 15-20 people who will enjoy their cocktails and appetizers. People will be coming from many places so easy accessibility is important!


Most pubs welcome the opportunity especially since Pub Nights are typically on Thursdays in early spring and mid fall when pubs are less busy, and sailors are not on the water or working to get on the water.


There is protocol and support for creating an event with the Bluewater Sailing Club. With a template document on the BWSC website for creating an event, our ever-capable communications officer will publish the Pub Night in Beacon and create a posting for the calendar of events listed on the BWSC website.

Ask people to register and you will get a notification that a certain member has signed up. With that you can give the pub or yacht club an idea of the number of people that will be attending, and the membership committee will call each new member to make sure they know they are invited to join the fun. BWSC Members who have run a pub night are happy to help you and co-hosts make the evening easier and more fun!


Pub nights are a great place for sailors to gather and for new members to meet their sponsors. It’s really all about Good Times! Good Friends! Good Sailing!